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Fill in the blank: My most frustrating narcolepsy symptom is _____.

From excessive daytime sleepiness to vivid dreams, what is your most frustrating symptom of narcolepsy? Share in the comments below!

  1. Same nightmares and EDS

    1. Hi . Do you realize the nightmares were dreams when you awaken or do they feel real for a while? Has your doctor been of any help with your excessive daytime sleepiness? Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Not a first like about 2-3 minutes into dream then I notice.My dream states have like a gray film fuzzy look to them.

  2. falling asleep all the time. Even standing at my med cart (if my mind is not stimulated) I will fall asleep. Yes, even standing up I fall asleep

    1. Without a doubt Automatic Behaviour!! I've no idea when it's going to happen and what I'm going to say or do!

      1. Always telling my daughter, "mommy is tired, please go get daddy," and she responds, "mommy you are always tired or working, you don't like/want to play with me."

        1. Parenting with narcolepsy can really be tough. My heart goes out to you. This is one of five articles written by one of our advocates of parenting with narcolepsy during different stages of your child's growth: I thought it might help you feel less alone. Since your daughter is talking, I shared the elementary school article. You can find the others by entering "Mom Life and Narcolepsy" in the search box in the upper left corner. I hope this helps. Thinking of you and sending lots of gentle hugs your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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