Always Tired
As a child I always wanted to sleep more than I was allowed, 18yrs I had my Son I drank ice tea like water I would be in bed by 7:30 at night up at 7:30 am. I couldn't stay up with the rest of my family. If I had to wait in lines sitting down or standing I would fall asleep.
Identifying narcolepsy
I knew There was a problem when I was driving through the bad lands and fell asleep at the wheel with my children in the vehicle the noisy line woke me up. I immediately went to Dr and had testing done, in 2005 I took one pill a day, still had to sleep at 7:00 husband had to take care of kids. Lost I then began to self medicate, my problems were solved so I thought? Then insanity stepped in. More extensive tests sleep apeanea. Neurologist and a pill been on it 20 years yet it's getting weaker and the f.d.a. says 3 pills a day only. I'm 59 and completely bed ridden without it.
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