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Point me in the right direction

I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea on behalf of my daughter to find a a support group and a physical assist service dog. My daughter , who has recently been diagnosed with narcolepsy with cataplexy and sleep paralysis. This chronic neurological disorder has profoundly affected her life, contributing to a deep sense of sadness and depression, even though having a diagnosis has brought some relief.

Support for my daughter

My daughter, a high school graduate of 2000, initially embarked on a meaningful journey with Up with People (UWP), a nonprofit organization traveling across the globe promoting multiculturalism, racial equality, and positive thinking through song and dance performances. Unfortunately, her travels were cut short due to the impact of Covid. Upon entering the workforce, she faced new challenges, leading to the discovery of her narcolepsy and its associated symptoms.

She has been diligently working with healthcare professionals to find the correct combination of medications to help combat her narcoleptic episodes. The process has been challenging as she strives to strike the right balance that will provide relief while minimizing side effects.

Fighting for disability rights

My daughter’s has been fired at her job, even though they were aware of her disability prior to being hired, and yet still disregarded the law. She determination and resilience throughout this process are truly commendable. Despite the difficulties she faces, she remains optimistic and committed to improving her quality of life.

In her pursuit of trying to find a support group and assistance with a physical assist service dog, she has encountered obstacles with service dog trainers across the USA, including lengthy waiting lists, restrictions on narcolepsy support, and prohibitive costs. As a concerned mother, I am reaching out to you in the hope that you might consider guiding how to get her help in her quest for friends of like mind, a service dog companion.

Looking for support

Understanding that you primarily connects individuals with connection and/or maybe information towards a companion animals, we believe could significantly enhance her quality of life by providing support during narcoleptic episodes. If it is within the scope of you to assist in such situations, we would be immensely grateful for your support. Alternatively, any guidance you could provide regarding organizations or resources specializing in providing service dogs for narcolepsy would be invaluable to us.

Thank you for considering our request. I have learned of your compassionate work has touched many lives, and we sincerely hope for your assistance in making a positive impact on my daughter’s journey.

A mom in Colorado

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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