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Judy Ferguson

Narcolepsy Community Advocate Judy FergusonJudy was previously a health leader on

Judy is a 24 year old classical musician from Melbourne, Australia. In 2019 she was diagnosed with Type 1 Narcolepsy with Cataplexy after a long, and bumpy road to diagnosis. It is hard to tell when her Narcolepsy first started for sure, as she remembers years of brain fog and tiredness, but she knew something was seriously wrong at the end of 2018 when she nearly crashed her car on multiple occasions, and couldn’t remember her drive to and from work each day.

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It took 3 different specialists, 6 sleep studies, and multiple misdiagnoses, but Judy kept fighting for answers, and was almost relieved when her symptoms were finally validated, and she had a diagnosis to explain everything she had been experiencing.

Since then Judy has been on a journey to find ways she can help her day to day symptoms through medication and lifestyle changes. She has developed tools to allow her to continue her dream career of musician and teacher, and is learning how to cope with the rollercoaster that is Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. She loves sharing her experiences with the wonderful narcolepsy community on her instagram @itsjudymaree, and has benefitted greatly from the love and support of this amazing online family.

Click here to read all of Judy's articles on