My heart goes out to you, . It can be so hard to find the right combination of medications and schedules when you have narcolepsy, especially since every person's journey is different. You can't just take the same approach someone else is taking. It will take time and lots of trial and error to figure out an overall treatment plan that is most effective for you. Are you aware that narcolepsy can be considered a disability? If your employer knows you have narcolepsy, you are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. That means, your employer has to make reasonable accommodations for you. Here is an article about workplace accommodations that might interest you: For you, accommodations might mean different or shorter shifts or a place to take nap breaks. It might be worth looking into. I hope this helps. Please know we are here for you whenever you need support or a place to vent. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)