FeaturedFill in the blank: My most frustrating narcolepsy symptom is _____.From excessive daytime sleepiness to vivid dreams, what is your most frustrating symptom of narcolepsy? Share in the comments below!...Reactions0reactionsComments123 repliesSymptoms
FeaturedWhat’s helpful during cataplexy attacks?Cataplexy attacks can be outwardly shocking to observe. They can also be dangerous for those of us who experience them. When I have full-body cataplexy attacks the people around me...Reactions0reactionsComments35 repliesCataplexyCaregivingStigma
Active 5 days agoCataplexy & IntimacyI really don’t want to be posting this, since my or anyone else’s sex life isn’t something I ever want to discuss in a public forum, but I have questions...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCataplexyIntimacy & Relationships
Active 7 days agoNarcolepsy & a Cardiovascular Co-morbiditiesI have recently discovered that Narcolepsy, more specifically the typical lifestyle adopted by those with narcolepsy, indirectly increases the risks of heart issues. The primary lifestyle or behavior that many...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesAwarenessTips & Advice
Active 8 days agoIs Eating After Taking a Xywav Dose Drug Abuse? I keep getting told every single time I late night snack that I'm abusing Xywav at this point because I'm up snacking. Even if I'm only snacking an hour past...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesFriends & FamilyInsomnia
A poem about hypersomniaHer Hypersomnia Once swift to get up, she now trembles While dreaming of a rising sun. Her eyes, heavy, resist the call of light. Her mind, foggy, fails to focus...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesCoping
What Are Some Narcolepsy Support Groups?Support groups and organizations are great resources to find help with narcolepsy. What groups have you heard of, or are a part of? How have these organizations helped you?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAwarenessTips & Advice
Have you felt stigma because of your narcolepsy? Sometimes narcolepsy can have stigma that comes with it; some might confuse it with laziness or lack of time management for sleep. What stigma's have you experienced because of your...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesStigmaAwareness
Narcolepsy Comorbidities Do you have any other health conditions alongside narcolepsy? Have you found any effective ways to manage both your narcolepsy and other condition(s)? Share in the comments below!...Reactions0reactionsComments27 replies
FeaturedNarcolepsy MisconceptionsWhat are some of the biggest misconceptions about narcolepsy?...Reactions0reactionsComments37 repliesStigma