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My daughter has narcolepsy

My adult daughter has narcolepsy, she's in her 40s. I worry about her, I believe she should talk to her doctor about possibly trying new non addictive approved narcolepsy meds. She has other health issues as well so she is on multiple meds. What is latest narcolepsy med that is not addictive? I have two grandchildren and we all worry about my daughter she's very intelligent and a good woman but I do worry about addictive narcolepsy med she's on currently, no disrespect. Thank you, Harley

  1. Hi Harley ( ). It must be very difficult for you to watch your daughter contend with the symptoms of narcolepsy along with her other illnesses. Has she exhibited any signs of addiction? There are treatments for narcolepsy that are considered nonaddictive. Wakix is one example. But I suggest treading very carefully when addressing this with your daughter. I lost a nephew to addiction in a battle that started with an irresponsible doctor and opioids, so I understand where you are coming from and why you are concerned. But I have also learned to accept that some people desperately need potentially addictive medications in order to live their lives fully and that not everyone will become addicted. Narcolepsy can be debilitating. People lose jobs, friends and significant others over it. They can also lose their freedom if they can't stay awake to drive. The symptoms can lead to deep, deep depression or worse. If this medication is enabling her to live life more fully and her doctor is carefully overseeing her use of the medication, pushing her to get off it might result in irreprable damage to your relationship. If she is showing signs of addiction and is in denial, keep in mind that she won't change unless or until she is ready. One approach might be to share information about Wakix based on its merits rather than on its nonaddictive qualities. Keep the issue of addiction out of the conversation if you can. Here is an article about Wakix you can share with her: I hope this helps. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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