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Fill in the blank: My most frustrating narcolepsy symptom is _____.

From excessive daytime sleepiness to vivid dreams, what is your most frustrating symptom of narcolepsy? Share in the comments below!

  1. It was hard for me to determine which symptom I would categorize as the most frustrating because so many seem equally frustrating. I decided that "not being able to remember what I was going to say or do" probably is the most frustrating because it happens constantly throughout every day! It has gotten worse over time.

    1. That really can be frustrating, . Is there anything that helps? Do you find people are fairly patient with you? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Rapid sleep

    1. The lack of control can be very problematic, . Are people generally supportive if you fall asleep at odd or inconvenient times? - Lori (Team Member)

  3. I'm not sure if it's the excessive sleepiness or the lack of memory which could be caused by my sleep apnea as well.

    1. I know exactly what you mean Jodi. It's kind of hard to choose just one sometimes because for me at least, they change all the time! Lol. Thanks so much for sharing with us! Wishing you all the best, Iris (Team member)

  4. Difficulty waking up in the morning despite blaring alarm coupled with irritability towards my sweet 5 year old wanting breakfast. It breaks my heart. I want to do better

    1. Parenting with narcolepsy can be hard, but remember you have a whole community of people here you can turn to for support. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. exactly mine too along with brain fog. I'm sorry you experience this too.

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