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Narcolepsy and Stress

Do you find that stress increases your daytime sleepiness or other symptoms?

  1. Stress causes me not to sleep and no sleep makes my EDS worse and turns me into an emotional basketcase!!

    1. I was diagnosed in 1975!! Research on N has come a long way since then and social media platforms in the last 20 years have made those with N now able to communicate with others that actually “get it”!! Learning lifestyle changes and healthy coping mechanisms can definitely be helpful but for me discovering Baclofen 7 years ago to help with sleep construction and has made the biggest difference.

    2. I am glad you found something that helps, . It's good knowing that you are not alone, isn't it? For all the negatives of social media, groups like this make it worthwhile. Thanks for being part of it all. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. I totally know what you mean, I've definitely had less emotional energy the last year or so. Sorry to hear you've been struggling more this past year. I hope things have been getting better since your post. Best Wishes! -Aron (Team Member)

    1. They will-the grass is always greener...

  3. Unfortunetly, Narcolepsy can create brain lesions I don't know if there is a diect connetion between the disease and stress; however,

    1. No worries hun! I'm definitely going to search too! I know what you mean. It's an interesting theory! Thanks so much!!

    2. Yeah…. from a 40+ year person w/N1 I’ve never once heard before or seen in research articles that N could cause brain lesions!! Also had a MRI of my brain a couple years back and it came back clear😀

  4. Getting to my course at college has been very stressful despite my carer being super patient with me. Lateness to classes and non attendance have increased weekly recently. I'm really struggling, but I'm not going to give up. Thanks for understanding hearts.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that hun! It definitely must not be easy but nothing that's worth it ever is! Keep being strong and I have absolutely no doubt that you can do it!! Iris xxxx

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