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Narcolepsy and the Workplace

How has narcolepsy affected your ability to work? What was the hardest part about working with narcolepsy? Do you have any tips for others who are navigating narcolepsy in the workplace?

  1. I am lucky that narcolepsy has not stopped my ability to continue doing what I do. I am very open with others about my symptoms and what I experience on a daily basis. The biggest struggle I have is carving out time to nap during the work day. After being a full time teacher for the last four years, I have recently returned to college and was worried I wouldn't have time to nap during my busy class schedule, but thankfully I have made it work.
    My biggest tip is to listen to your body, and don't be afraid to be honest with your coworkers about what you need!
    Xoxo/zzz, Gabrielle

    1. I completely agree Gabrielle! Listening to your body and respecting it is the most important thing in any job! Being honest is also important as this will help prevent people from getting the wrong idea about you and avoid them questioning your professionalism. Thanks for sharing this hun! Take care, Iris xxx

    2. Thanks for the resourceful insights.I too have switched jobs more so to embrace responsibilities that are outdoor.i used to be a banker before narcolepsy wretched my abilities to competently carry out my I do sales job that entail more travelling and field trips

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