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Falling asleep in a bed and on a sofa and sitting up awake

Another Day in the Life

I felt compelled to write another “A Day in the Life” piece about living with idiopathic hypersomnia. The first article I wrote detailing my day to day was about an abnormal day for me. So, I wanted to write another version that was a more average day for me.

Idiopathic hypersomnia causes me to sleep an excessive amount. Writing about how my days go helps outsiders see more of how I operate. The times are an estimate of what happened day to day. To preface, Day 1 I went into work and Day 2 was a day off for me!

Day 1

(These times are in American central time)

7:50 AM: Woke up to get to work

8:30-9:50 AM: Commuting to work by bus

9 AM- 2 PM: Working

2 PM-6 PM: Got home and took a nap

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6:30 PM: Woke up and decided to cooked dinner

6:50-ish PM: I decided that since I was not working the next day to catch up on some gaming. So, I ended up staying up until...

2 AM: to beat it since I didn't know the next time I would have spare time to play it. I did have 2 cups of coffee to push through because I started to get pretty sleepy. I only stay up all night playing video games occasionally. I do this because it's rare that I have energy to play video games for more than 2 hours before I doze off with my Switch (causing me to lose my save). So it's easier to push through to the ending of the game (by caffeinating myself)

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Day 2

2 AM-10 AM: Sleeping

10:30 AM-11:30 AM: Woke up for my family in-law's video call talk. We do video calls to catch up since they live in Qatar and flying over is pretty expensive. We talked about things that happened over the week, new things that happened in the family, and my promotion!

11:40 AM: Cooked breakfast for me and my husband before deciding to take my daily nap!

11:40 AM- 5:30 PM: Went back to bed. Around 5:30 my husband woke me up asking if I wanted to walk to the store with him to get groceries, but I responded “no” out of confusion and since I just woke up.

6PM - 8PM: After around 20-30ish minutes of laying in bed, I started to come out of my confusion from my sleep drunkenness. At this point, I realized I did want to walk to the store with my husband! I wish that he had waited until my sleep drunkenness had passed and then asked me if I wanted to go to the store. Because of my sleep drunkenness, it causes me to wake up confused about my surroundings and usually is the worst time to ask me any questions. Since I was finally awake, I decided to get up and clean the apartment since we were behind on chores. Might as well be productive while I have energy.

8 PM- 9 PM: Phone scrolling break!

9 PM- 9:50 PM: My husband ended up cooking dinner and we ate together at the table

9:50 PM-4 AM: Bedtime! (I wasn't working the next day either)

What about you?

I forgot to detail my third day for this piece, but I feel the 2 days I did write down are closer to my average day-to-day than the first day-in-the-life article that I wrote.

What is a day in the life like for you? Share in the comments below!

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