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Kristin Schwoebel
Last Updated:
Did you tell your employer you have narcolepsy? What was the conversation like?
CommunityMember4a7eed Member
Last Updated:
No, I worked as a electrician and within 3 weeks I was out of work. So my advice is hang on as long as you can do your job safely
Tre Burge Member
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Junigi8252 Member
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I worked from just about 17 to 25. I havent worked since my oldest was born. Anyhow, I don't recall not one of the slew of jobs that I had where I didn't fall asleep. I was unmedicated for most of those years, so it was bad at some points. I wasn't diagnosed but knew I had an obvious sleep issue. I never did get into trouble. But I had to try and accommodate getting sleepy. Like take naps on breaks. Or finish work and find a little corner to nap. It didn't always work out that way. Also got teased alot for dozing.
Gabrielle Keith Member
Last Updated:
After working for a few months post-diagnosis, I learned that taking short naps during the school day really helped me. I had my doctor write a note, and I explained to my boss that I need to lay down for 30 minutes each day. She was totally okay with this, so I made a "do not disturb" sign and emailed the administration team to please respect this sign unless they want to walk in on me laying behind my desk! (That would have been very awkward for school tours!!)
nterestingly, once COVID hit and we returned to in-person learning, I didn't have a classroom that was "mine" anymore. Being a music teacher, I had to give up my classroom as the designated music room to become an extra homeroom so students could be socially distanced. During that time, I talked to the school counsellor asking if I could come to her office during my lunch break and lay down. Thankfully she was all for it, even offering me a blanket and pillow she keeps in her office for students.
I am a firm believer in being open and honest with people about living with narcolepsy. I am very lucky in that I haven't had any bad experiences with this, but I've heard some horror stories about others who aren't as lucky as I am. However, there is no way to end the stigma about narcolepsy without being open to those who don't understand!
Xoxo/zzz, Gabrielle