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Does narcolepsy always cause sleep attacks?

For the last few months I've had episodes of extreme tiredness and sleepiness. It cones on suddenly. I feel like I can't hold myself up or keep my eyes open; I just want to drop where I am and sleep. However, even if I lie down, I don't can't fall asleep. It an last 30-45 minutes and as it passes, I yawn uncontrollably. Then I'm perfectly fine again like nothing ever happened. Could this be narcolepsy if I don't actually fall asleep?

  1. Hi . We are not medical experts, but I can tell you that the test used to confirm narcolepsy measures how quickly people drop into REM sleep after closing their eyes. People with Narcolepsy drop into REM sleep in eight minutes or less. There are plenty of conditions that could be causing your issues. A good first step would be to tell your doctor about your daytime sleepiness and ask for tests of your Vitamin D, B Vitamin, folic acid, iron and thyroid levels. Deficiencies in any of those nutrients can cause debilitating fatigue as can thyroid issues. Certain autoimmune disease can also cause daytime fatigue. I hope this helps and that get some answers. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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