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How do you manage brain fog?

Is brain fog one of your narcolepsy symptoms? What are some things that help you cope?

  1. I honestly wish I had a good answer to this question. This is the most prevalent and frustrating symptom I deal with. I have learned to be very good about setting reminders, alarms, and even sticky notes around my house to keep me on top of daily tasks. When it comes to conversations with others, I tend to be open about my narcolepsy diagnosis and ask people to repeat themselves if I am having a slow-brain-day. Caffeine and medications may help with EDS, but I have yet to find anything that truly aids in the brain fog department! Hopefully that will be something that can be studied more!
    xoxo/zzz, Gabrielle

    1. Yes brain fog is one of the most common symptoms that people experience from what I have seen and heard in the narcolepsy community so far. For me it's definitely one of the most debilitating as it completely impairs your ability to focus, to remember and sometimes even to feel as though you are part of this world.

      I still struggle with coping in all honesty but I just really try to not work myself up to the point where I start to feel frustrated with myself or pity my circumstances.

      For me, it's important to know that these are fleeting moments that will come and go but I can't allow them to control my entire life. It's definitely not easy but there's nothing else to do but try.

      Iris xxx

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