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Medication rollercoaster

For some reason none of these medications are working for me. Xyrem made me feel well rested but at night, I had severe stomach aches. I was sleepwalking and hallucinating all night. Wakix did literally nothing to me at all. I’ve been on my stimulants for 6 years now. I just want to find something that works besides Adderall.

  1. To go off what said, it is worth looking into a different sleep specialist, especially if you've been on the same medication for a while. You can read the article I wrote about poor care for more details about that.

    Have you asked your doctor about trying Xywav? It has A LOT less sodium than Xyrem, and that was one of the side effects that went away when I switched from Xyrem to Xywav. I hope you can find a medication (and doctor!) that aid in your symptoms!
    Xoxo/Zzz, Gabrielle (team member)

    1. That sounds incredibly frustrating! Have you considered talking to a different doctor or specialist, sometimes a fresh set of eyes or a different approach to prescribing medication can make a difference. I hope you are able to find a medication that truly works for you. If you feel like it, please keep us updated on how you're doing. - Aron (Team Member)

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