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My strange cataplexy

Dear friends, in some periods of the year I experience a variation of my cataplexy, which has always been and continues to be a fraction of a second. It involves the head and neck and partly also the sight. The very strange thing is that before it only manifested itself in cases of strong emotions (chasing each other for fun, looking a girl in the eye, looking at the bottom of the sea with a mask). Now, however, in some periods it is as if it were always present, I feel as if my brain was on/off almost continuously. I have to try so hard to make myself resist. I still haven't figured out the cause. If it's a stressful time. Or else, can any of you tell me if he has experienced or is experiencing something similar? Thank you

  1. Hey ! From what you've described it sounds somewhat similar to what I experienced a few years ago. I think it lasted for nearly a year and nothing I did would shake that feeling away. Looking back now, I realised that it was a particularly stressful year for me and that in itself acted kind of like a cataplexy trigger for me (except it was always on!).

    After a while, it kind of settled on its own and I didn't even realise it really.

    Sometimes when I've experienced something that's "out of the norm" or new with my narcolepsy I try my best to write it down so that I can see if there's any pattern that I might not have noticed that's triggering the symptoms.

    I don't know if it's the same thing but if it is, hopefully it will stop happening on its own but I would definitely advise speaking to your doctor about it if you have one of course.

    Hope this helped and wish you all the best!

    Best wishes, Iris (team member) xxxx

    1. Hi . If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you no longer have obvious triggers and that the cataplexy is happening almost steadily, impacting your head, neck and vision. That must be unsettling. Do you have a neurologist? If so, It would be a good idea to talk with your neurologist about your change in symptoms, if you haven't done so already. If you don't have a neurologist, this is a good reason to ask for a referral. I do not have experience with cataplexy, but I hope you get some input here from people who do. Thinking of you and sending the very best of wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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