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To Do Lists, Remembering, Note Taking OH My!! Any suggestions on methods, apps, or planners?!

I struggle so hard with this and need a paper and electronic method. I take wayyyy too many screenshots, bookmark too much, take notes various ways on my phone, and beyond but fail to do right by getting back to it any ONE PLACE. It's seemingly unmanageable.

I fail hard at writing it down from my phone but that's how I usually come across things. That "TO DO LIST" as overwhelming and I don't know how to make it right...or do it well 😳. A visual method would likely be best!??

  1. diary/ calender

    1. I have a big whiteboard on my wall in my room and a small whiteboard on my desk. You might find splitting it up into groups helps, for example I have a section on the big one for things I need to buy like food, a days of the week but where I put plans, and then general bits. It's right by my door so I don't miss it! The small whiteboard I use by sitting for 10/15 mins at the end of the day and writing down anything I need to do the next day, sometimes looking at what the various screenshots and notes on my phone say like you said! This helps me have a to do list but to be honest the main benefit is helping me wind down before bed as otherwise I stress that I'll forget lots of stuff by the next day. Hope that helps, good luck!

      1. This is a great technique for staying on top of things whilst living with narcolepsy! I appreciate you taking the time to share! I really need to start doing this. It's hard to keep up with everything when living with narcolepsy! Warmly, Tatiana ( Team Member)

    2. The Nortion app is really good! I`ve been using it for a few months and its pretty helpful. I like how it has an app widget so I can put it on my home-screen and see it when I open my phone. And it has templates for beginners to use so its not overwhelming until you get the hang of it!

      So you can do a visual "to do" template with emojs or have it typed out as well !

      1. I am glad you found something that works so well for you, . Thanks for the recommendation! - Lori (Team Member)

    3. Hi , this is a great question! Hopefully, some community members will share what methods they like, but in the meantime, here's an article with quotes from community members who shared a few things that work for them: Best, Allison (Team Member)

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