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Do you have any recurring hallucinations?

Are there any particular sleep paralysis/hallucinations that you find you have constantly?

  1. I have had the same dream at least 20 times. I used to have a wrought iron bed with a footboard. My night terror was a shadow man with a baseball cap climbing over the footboard. In my sleep I would actually kick my foot up to push his chest off me. My foot would slam down on the bed and I would wake up hyperventilating. As soon as got a new bed frame the dreams stopped. Obviously it took me a long time to make that simple change in furniture! When I was younger I had a more violent dream, again, many, many times, that I was being chased and stabbed. Ever since getting onto a regular meds routine, I haven’t experienced either dream.

    1. How terrifying, . Thank goodness those dreams have stopped with medication. I hope they never return. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. When I was young they were usually of dark figures, monsters, etc. Now that I am old and boring it is usually hearing my phone ring or someone knocking or ringing the doorbell.

    1. Yes, I can totally relate to experiencing dark figures and monsters due to narcolepsy hallucinations. As for the more "boring" hallucinations, I tend to hear loud alarms and spiders or other bugs! Are you thankful to have these changes in your hallucinations? Warmly, Tatiana ( Team member)

  3. This night I had a nightmare when I was still awake and wasn’t sleeping. Then I searched it up and turned out it was an hallucination

    1. That must have been scary. How did you pull yourself out of it? Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Yes, these are common with narcolepsy! It's something that many of us struggle with. I tend to have these happen at night upon waking or falling asleep. But when my symptoms are really bad, I get them during the day too. It's from dreaming while awake. Really wild! If you'd like to read an article on narcolepsy and hallucinations, you can find one here: The person who made this post also wrote this article, it's really great! Hope it helps. Warmest regards, Tatiana ( Team member)

  4. Yes

    1. Hi . Have you found ways to cope? Thinking of you and wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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