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Where is the most embarrassing place you have fallen asleep?

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  1. So many. Most embarrassing was while facilitating a
    therapy group. Also several individual therapy sessions. In staffing I would always have a bottle of water which would drop and hit the floor as I dozed off. It became a joke. There she goes again. Most terrifying was falling asleep at the wheel. How I never crashed is a miracle.

    1. Thank goodness you didn't get in an accidents, . Do you still drive now? I hope your participants were supportive when you fell asleep. I can see why that would be embarrassing. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. My husband and our friends went to a very classy, expensive restaurant for dinner one night. We'll, I fell asleep right there in the middle of the restaurant and my head fell on the table. I also have sleep apnea so I snore and they said that I was snoring so loud that the customers upstairs probably heard me.

    1. Oh, no! I hope your friends and the staff were supportive and understanding. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. On a first date! In my defense, I was working 2 jobs, at the time, with no days off. I had promised this person I would go out to dinner with them after my shift. We were sitting at the table waiting for our food to come out and he was telling me a story. The next thing I knew he was tapping me and telling me that I fell asleep. I was SOOO embarrassed!!

    1. Oh, no! I hope he was understanding. With that schedule, it would be hard for someone without narcolepsy to stay awake. - Lori (Team Member)

  4. I had some micro-sleep while driving once. It's embarrassing to me, since I know my limits better than to do so.
    Apart from that, Spanish class (pretty much directly in front of my teacher) and one seminar lecture (everyone was understanding and I ended up leaving early).

    1. Weirdly enough she loved me, while I thought the opposite. She always gave me good grades.

    2. How awesome, . I am glad you had her on your side. - Lori (Team Member)

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