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Have been easily using the same Dr for five or six years in Florida.…..

and suddenly this doctor is no longer accepting patients and is retiring. His name is Dr Garcia or and it was absolutely the easiest thing in the world. I would basically see it for telehealth Minutes and since my medications were well established, I would get it immediately and he said Pharmacy, however unfortunately, he is no longer and he was only $55 a month, which was really fantastic. I don’t know what to do. Does anyone else know of a Dr. similar?

  1. Hi . It can be so stressful when good doctors retire. Have you asked your current doctor's office for recommendations? Any new doctor is likely to insist on an in-person visit for the first appointment, but I hope you can find someone new who also offers telehealth. It's so convenient. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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