Cannabis and Narcolepsy?First off, I don't have an official narcolepsy diagnosis. I have been suffering from sleep problems on and off for about 20 years now, though. When it's bad, it's really...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesMedical MarijuanaTreatmentDiagnosis
Xywav and StimulantsI'm currently on 70 mg Vyvanse every morning with 10 mg Adderall IR as needed for later in the day. I am about to try Xywav for the first time...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesPrescription MedicationTips & AdviceTreatment
Question about sleep aidsI had symptoms for 6 years and was finally diagnosed with N2 about 3 months ago. I know that stimulants are common in trying to treat EDS...but I've also found...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentDaytime sleepinessSymptoms