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What is the one thing you can't live without?

If you could only have one thing that you couldn't live without that helps you cope with your symptoms, what would that be? (Can be a thing, a person, a medication, a ritual etc....) 😀

  1. my Adderall, and that makes me a little sad.

    1. I completely get it. I think I would pick my medication too unfortunately.

  2. naps, 100%. If I don't have naps when I need them, I can be a real beast lol. Medication is super important, but if something happened and I wasn't allowed my meds, I couldn't live without naps! What about you??
    Xoxo/Zzz, Gabrielle

    1. Hey! Thanks for sharing! Yeah, naps are definitely an essential! For me personally, it may sound strange, but I couldn't live without my diary! Writing my feelings and experiences down is probably my biggest coping mechanism lol. Take care hunny! Iris x

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