If you could only have one thing that you couldn't live without that helps you cope with your symptoms, what would that be? (Can be a thing, a person, a medication, a ritual etc....) 😀
I completely get it. I think I would pick my medication too unfortunately.
Gabrielle Keith Moderator & Contributor
naps, 100%. If I don't have naps when I need them, I can be a real beast lol. Medication is super important, but if something happened and I wasn't allowed my meds, I couldn't live without naps! What about you?? Xoxo/Zzz, Gabrielle
Iris Vasconcelos Moderator & Contributor
Hey! Thanks for sharing! Yeah, naps are definitely an essential! For me personally, it may sound strange, but I couldn't live without my diary! Writing my feelings and experiences down is probably my biggest coping mechanism lol. Take care hunny! Iris x