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What do you think you're life would have been like if you didn't have narcolepsy?

I often find myself daydreaming about what my life would have been like if I had never been diagnosed and I wondered if anyone else thought about this too?

I think that I would have had a really successful career in Events and truly believe that I would be working towards having my own company organizing weddings.

What do you guys think?

  1. I love this question! I would've more than likely joined the military, specifically for travel and income. After serving several years, retire and pursue the path of a chef. Eventually, after the climax of my career I would make the time to settle down to marry and have lots of kids, both blood and adopted. Unless God said otherwise, I know for sure I would definitely not be on the street like I currently am.

    1. oh wow, you're on the street you say?? I'm so sorry!

  2. By never diagnosed I guess you mean if I didn't have it? Interesting question! I struggle to imagine this because it's kind of so tied up in who I am. I've had it since I was an adolescent, literally has been part of me growing up. I don't think I would be the same person, think the same way or want the same things. I would say I would be more productive as a writer etc but maybe I wouldn't write at all. (eg because narcolepsy is linked to creativity.) I think I might live in converted van though haha (can't because I can't drive). Definitely would have more money to spend on having higher quality of life and more travel etc. Maybe I would do more things like climbing and stuff. I'd probably get more things finished that I started lol. Sending hugs, I think it can be difficult when you think about what you might have missed out on with having N. I think that being present with that and allowing ourselves to grieve is healthy though. You bring so much to our community and are so appreciated. Lauren (Team Member)

    1. Hey hun! Thanks so much for sharing your perspective! I know it can be saddening to think about "what if" but it is unfortunately something I believe we all think about but don't really address. Sometimes I think writing things down really helps to deal with them in a strange way...I don't know. Thanks so much for everything hun! Take care! xxxx

  3. Wow…I know I’d be a doctor and it haunts me that I wasn’t diagnosed with Narcolepsy until I was almost fired from my first job out of college for falling asleep during meetings. I work with doctors now and know I missed my calling.

    1. Aw wow doctor? That is amazing. I'm sorry to hear that you were forced to give that up. I can't imagine. I can relate to falling asleep at meetings. Those were some of my most embarrassing moments to be honest. I'm glad that you are still able to be involved in the environment you had wanted to be in. I hope that helps somewhat. Take care hun! Iris xxx

    2. Aw wow doctor? That is amazing. I'm sorry to hear that you were forced to give that up. I can't imagine. I can relate to falling asleep at meetings. Those were some of my most embarrassing moments to be honest. I'm glad that you are still able to be involved in the environment you had wanted to be in. I hope that helps somewhat. Take care hun! Iris xxx

  4. Wow what a question this is! I don't think my life would be too much different than it is now, as I try my hardest to work on my goals without allowing my narcolepsy to hinder me. However, I do believe the path I have taken (graduating college without my intended degree prior to diagnosis, and now returning to complete that and start my masters), would have been vastly different.
    xoxo/zzz, Gabrielle

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