Hi I feel you and I just got my diagnosis last month. Yeah life feels different, but with diagnosis then it makes me easier to tell the others about my condition. The good thing is, after I deal with the denial and grieving period ofc, I can kinda show some pride of still able to go to work but having narcolepsy. Like, guys, I am still functioning, I only need a longer time to do my job, but I am working nonetheless. Narcolepsy makes my job harder but I'm still doing it. Thankfully people at my office and my friends are supportive. Their most common reaction is that they didn't believe me at first because I don't look sick. They wonder how can I manage my symptom and still working, so I take pride in that. So maybe we can make the symptom as symptom, not to define our identity as a whole. Ofc not to minimize our condition but please don't let the symptom define you. You can always define your life to some extent. Hopefully things work out for you!