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How long did you take to find the right treatment?

I know there are many different drugs to deal with narcolepsy. Unfortunately, not all of them are legal in every country (some of them are not allowed in Chile, where I live). So my doctor began trying with some drugs. I suffered strong and long-lasting side effects so the drug was changed for another. In the process, leaving the first drug also had consequences. It seems that the right drug is finally found to be trial and error. Do the side effects ever end? How long did you take to find the right drug?

  1. I’m doing quite well on Pitolisant and Methalphenidate. My first medication, Mazindol was unfortunately discontinued

    1. Hi , I'm glad to hear that you found medication that works! Best, Allison (Team Member)

  2. I refuse to take a medication any more. It's more exhausting than the narcolepsy. I am struggling but I know what to watch for. Being medicated by trial and error has to many unexpected side effects. I have enough side effects from the narcolepsy to deal with.

    1. I even screamed to my doctor does it ever get better. I literally screamed out of frustration.

      1. I’ve had a diagnosis of Hyperion is about 20 yrs ago that was somewhat managed with Ritalin then eventually provigil since the Ritalin became unmanageable. About 5 yrs ago I had another sleep study done that led to a narcolepsy diagnosis. I started back on provigil and started Xyrem. I thought I’d was a miracle because I realized I never slept more that 2-3 hours a night, if that. So when I got 5-6 hrs, I was amazed. Since then I can’t seem to get more than 5 hrs of sleep and have to switched to xywav which tastes better and way less sodium. I recently added Sunoco, which takes 12 weeks to see full effect and was awesome at 12 weeks but at 13 I started to get mental side effects like high agitation and mood swings and started to have insomnia. I quickly weaned off of that and am back to just Xywav and provigil. Still craving and searching for the miracle medicine that will give 6-7 straight hours of sleep so I’m hoping Jazz gets approval for it’s one dose medicine soon because I will 100% be trying that when it comes out. Good luck to you. It’s a constant journey and quest for sleep.

        1. it’s supposed to say hypersomnia not Hyperion!

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