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Dexamphetamine UK ??

Hi I'm from Wales UK and diagnosed 6 years ago with narcolepsy with cataplexy and idiopathic hypersomnia after misdiagnoses for 34 years initially I was given dexamphetamine but I was tried on every medication in UK as stimulants go . Sadly having adverse effects from all except the dexamphetamine ...when I had them they just kept my head above water and me functioning to a degree . A few years ago the name of the tablets changed to AMFEXA Dexamethasone sulphate and I don't think I'm imagining it but they seem weaker has snyonevhadvthos problem ? Or am I the problem lol 😹 I'm a bit wary to say anything to the pharmacist it case it's ridiculous ?? Please help x

  1. Hi . What a long journey for you to diagnosis. It must have been a huge relief to finally understand what was happening and get treatment. The strength of your medication should be the same, but dexamphetamine can become less effective over time, requiring a higher dose. I would talk to your doctor about it and see whether you might need an adjusted prescription. I hope this helps. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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