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How to manage narcolepsy in college

Managing school, social life and narcolepsy in college.

  1. When I was in college I let people know about my limits and my "mostly predictable" sleeping schedule. I wrote a piece about how I made it through college last year with IH! You can read it here: Hopefully you find something that works for you!

    1. I found choosing modules that were more weighted towards independent learning and coursework rather than exams helped as I could manage my own time and not have to work to a schedule when I was my most sleepy. If you do have exams, Talk to your disability or wellbeing support team and see if you can get rest breaks and extra time in exams, I did.

      1. That was so smart of you, . Ever since the arrival of COVID, more and more universities are offering asynchronous classes, where student can complete the courses on their own schedules. That does seem like a good choice for people with narcolepsy. Thanks for chiming in. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Hi . Attending college with narcolepsy can be a huge challenge, but it can be done the right support. Have you applied for disability services at your school? Have your professors been cooperative? I hope you get lots of input here from others who have attended college with narcolepsy. Here is an article from one of our advocates that might help: Please know we are here for you when you need us. Best of all wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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