Have you felt stigma because of your narcolepsy? Sometimes narcolepsy can have stigma that comes with it; some might confuse it with laziness or lack of time management for sleep. What stigma's have you experienced because of your...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesStigmaAwareness
FeaturedWhat’s helpful during cataplexy attacks?Cataplexy attacks can be outwardly shocking to observe. They can also be dangerous for those of us who experience them. When I have full-body cataplexy attacks the people around me...Reactions0reactionsComments31 repliesCataplexyCaregivingStigma
FeaturedNarcolepsy MisconceptionsWhat are some of the biggest misconceptions about narcolepsy?...Reactions0reactionsComments36 repliesStigma
Addressing Narcolepsy MisconceptionsWhat misconceptions about narcolepsy have you had to address with your family and friends? How did you handle it? Share below!...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesFriends & FamilyStigma
FeaturedDifficult to vent aboutMost my life I've endured humiliation and ignorant criticism from all parts of my life, so it's difficult to vent, or inform people, including my loved ones. Due to all...Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesStigma
Fill in the blank: When I tell people I have narcolepsy, they say __________.What do people typically say when you tell them you have narcolepsy?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesStigmaFriends & Family
Portrayal of Narcolepsy in the MediaAre there any movies or tv shows that you feel have inaccurately portrayed narcolepsy? Do you feel that the way narcolepsy is portrayed in media is different than your personal...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesStigma