Narcolepsy/ Doctors/ St. Louis I am looking for sleep doc suggestions from Narcoleptics that experience chronic Cataplexy in the St. Louis area....Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesCataplexyHealthcare Team
Controlled Medications and Life Expectancy I’m almost 44 and living my entire life with Severe Narcolepsy with Cataplexy has brought me to this question. What as a person with narcolepsy value more? Quality of life...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesHealthcare TeamPrescription MedicationInsurance & Disability
switching providers and not having medication for over 30 daysI am switching providers for the treatment of my Narcolepsy and my old provider didn't give me any refills on meds so I haven't had them in over 30 days...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesCopingHealthcare TeamPrescription Medication
Females: Hormonal influences on symptoms.I've experienced difficult menses since my teenage years. One of the more frustrating symptoms was feeling so sleepy for 2-3 days around the start of my period. Since I wasn't...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesHealthcare TeamDaytime sleepiness
Autoimmune Disorders Okay, so some of us have heard this and some haven't- that a person can be genetically predispositioned to narcolepsy and can begin experiencing symptoms after an infection or virus...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesDiet & NutritionHealthcare Team
FeaturedNarcolepsy & Healthcare ProvidersWhat could healthcare providers do to help treat narcolepsy better?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesHealthcare Team
FeaturedFinding a new doctor for better careHave you ever had to find a new doctor in order to get better care? What was your experience like? Do you have any advice for others?...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesHealthcare TeamTips & Advice
I've been thinking about publishing this pome(of sorts) that I wrote. I've written this pome-kinda-thing about my experiences with narcolepsy, and I've had a few writers look at it, with positive responses. But I wanted to get the feedback of others...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesHealthcare TeamFriends & Family
Covid 19 Vaccine Hello- I am 30 years old have narcolepsy with cataplexy (NT1) and I am reaching out to see if anyone with narcolepsy has received the vaccine? If you have, did...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesTips & AdviceHealthcare TeamResearch & Clinical Trials